

Su Jiangang is a classic Chinese painter & calligrapher known for his Gongbi paintings, various styles of calligraphy and seal cut- ting. He has been a close disciple of the renowned master YAN Gongda since the age of thirteen. While dedicated to his artistic expression, he is also an avid educator and collector of Chinese arts. Recetnly,he has resided by the Deer Lake of Burnaby to further his pursue in art. His works have been the focus of numerous exhibitions, charity events and media reportage both in China & Abroad.




2022-2023 被聘為溫哥華中山公園駐園藝術家

Artistic Achievements

Member of the Jiangsu Provincial Calligraphers Association

Member of the Suzhou Calligraphers Association

Senior Registered Instructor, Chinese Calligraphers Association

Artistic Director, Canada’s 150th Anniversary International Tea Culture Festival

Artist Achievement Award, Canada’s 150th Anniversary Celebrations

Appointed as the Resident Artist at Sun Yat-Sen Park in Vancouver for 2022-2023


2016 由蘇州日報,蘇州藝術主辦 “乘物遊心” 個性人書法 · 手作雅物展
2016 蘇州臺拍攝人物紀錄片 “時間的重量” 描述個人藝術創作過程。
2017 旅居溫哥華後,其清雅的畫風受到多倫多和溫哥華知名藏家的普遍好評。
2020 溫哥華力邦美術館,“落紙清音” 蘇健剛國畫、書法展
2021 溫哥華力邦美術館,“長樂未央” 蘇健剛國畫、書法、篆刻展
2022 溫哥華力邦美術館,“戩榖罄宜” 蘇健剛國畫、書法、篆刻展

2022 受邀參與溫哥華中山公園駐園藝術家項目並成功創辦温哥华 “逸仙杯” 国际中文书法大赛

2023 成功舉辦Home Across the Water 彼岸·吾鄉個人書畫展

2024 與丹麥音響品牌B&O合作聯名龍年系列。並舉辦發表會。

2024 列治文美術館舉辦𠆤展 “雲城中的鳥與石”

2023 - 2024 受聘Mulgrave School, The International School of Vancouver教書法國畫

2024 溫哥華力邦美術館,“见山” 蘇健剛國畫展

Artistic Achievements

In 2016, hosted the "Traveling Mind Through Artifacts" personal calligraphy and handmade artifacts exhibition sponsored by Suzhou Daily and Suzhou Art.

* In 2016, featured in the documentary "The Weight of Time" by Suzhou TV, detailing his artistic process.

* After relocating to Vancouver in 2017, his refined painting style received widespread acclaim from prominent collectors in Toronto and Vancouver.

* In 2018, hosted the successful "Beyond the Image" personal painting and calligraphy exhibition in Shanghai.

* In 2020, hosted the "Subtle Melodies on Paper" exhibition of Chinese painting and calligraphy at Vancouver's Lipont Art Centre.

* In 2021, held the "Endless Joy" exhibition of Chinese painting, calligraphy, and seal carving at Vancouver's Lipont Art Centre.

* In 2022, hosted the "Bountiful Harvest" exhibition at Vancouver's Lipont Art Centre.

* In 2022, invited as the Resident Artist at Sun Yat-Sen Park in Vancouver and founded the Vancouver "Yixian Cup" International Chinese Calligraphy Competition.

* In 2023, successfully held the "Home Across the Water" personal painting and calligraphy exhibition.

* In 2024, collaborated with Danish audio brand B&O on a Dragon Year series and held a launch event.

* In 2024, hosted the "Birds and Rocks in Cloud City" exhibition at the Richmond Art Gallery.

* From 2023 to 2024, appointed to teach calligraphy and Chinese painting at Mulgrave School, The International School of Vancouver.

* In 2024, held the "Seeing the Mountain" exhibition of Chinese painting at Vancouver's Lipont Art Centre.



Art Awards

* Artistic Director, Canada’s 150th Anniversary International Tea Culture Festival

* Artist Achievement Award, Canada’s 150th Anniversary Celebrations




Founded by Su Jiangang in Vancouver in 2016, the "SAO YE SHAN FANG" serves as a profound emblem of dedication to the artistry. The name itself is a personal reminder to delve deeply into artistic creation with the humility of a monastery's sweeping monk, while also symbolizing the companionship of books and the pursuit of profound wisdom. It's as if one can hear the rustling sound of sweeping leaves, akin to turning pages, just outside the study. Amidst the clamor of the world, this studio is a sanctuary for returning to the true essence of art, where contentment of the heart prevails.